Please check that all of the fields on the page that contain the Online Payment form that are marked with a * are filled out.
Selection of the Service for which you are making a payment is another requirement that must be met. You can choose between three different options: retainer, process service, and court filing. You also have the option of selecting more than one service here.
At this point, select “Continue.”
In this section, you will have the opportunity to review your payment before making a purchase. Note that there is a processing fee of 3.4% for any payments made with a credit card.
To proceed to the next stage, select the option to pay with a credit card.
What comes next is the opening of a pop-up window.
This is where you will enter your name and address information.
To ensure that you do not miss the appearance of this window, please check that your browser does not have any pop-up blockers installed.
After you have submitted your information, we recommend that you select “Payment Info.”
In this section, you will input the information for your credit card.
You will need to provide your CVC code, as well as your Card Number and Expiration Date. When you make a payment in the future, you have the option of selecting “Remember Me” to save this card information for use in the future.
Select “Pay with Credit Card” once everything is finished (please note that your total is also displayed here).
What a relief!
When you can see the screen on the left, proceed. This is a confirmation that the processing of your payment has been completed successfully.
You have the option of selecting “Printer Friendly Receipt” to print a copy of the confirmation of your payment.
Additionally, a confirmation email of your payment to Divorce Document Services Inc. (DBA Self Divorce) will be sent to the email address that you gave on the initial screen.